Cottie Petrie-Norris for California State Assembly IE

Television and Digital Media
In working for our client, Progressive California PAC, we helped elect Democrat Cottie Petrie-Norris over incumbent Republican State Assemblyman in a district with a 38% Republican registration advantage compared to 31% registered Democrats. From the start, our objective was to augment the Petrie-Norris campaign in mediums that the candidate's campaign wasn't heavy in. Petrie-Norris appeared to have no positive digital video content - either on the campaign side or the IE side, so a bio video was a natural place for us to start.
Over the final two weeks of the campaign, we bombarded the district with over 850,000 impressions of our bio video in voter-targeted mediums like Facebook and pre-roll, and over 700,000 impressions on YouTube. The final week of the campaign, we also amplified our digital effort by going up with a heavy, one-week cable buy with the same messaging to bolster our impact. The results were stark - Petrie-Norris trailed by several points among absentee voters, yet she won among election day voters and late absentees. We were thrilled to have played a role in helping put Cottie Petrie-Norris over the top.